This week’s new idiom is pretty common here in Hungary!
tele van a hócipőm (I’ve had enough)
Literally, this means “my snowshoes are full!” It’s used when you’re frustrated with something and don’t want any more of it.
Tele van a hócipőm ezzel az időjárással! – I’m fed up with this weather!
Real usage:
“Amúgy a szakma rendkívül felhígult, és tele van a hócipőm azzal a sekélyességgel, ami jellemzi.“
“Anyway the profession is extremely watered down, and I’m sick of the shallowness that characterizes it.”
Try it out yourself when you’re sick of something!
Hey, I saw your post from yesterday. I am new to learning Hungarian but I will definitely be a regular attendee of your blog. FYI. Thanks!
Köszi Adash, great to have you here! 🙂