I found this sign in a restaurant in Budapest. What do you think it says? Test yourself below, then see underneath for the answer!
Also, is this in familiar or formal Hungarian?

Maybe this picture of the sign in a larger context will help you figure it out!
Answer: Thank you for returning your tray.
(in familiar Hungarian)
Let’s break this down word-by-word!
Köszönjük, hogy – thank you for (1st p. plural, definite conjugation, literally “we thank you for”)
visszahoztad – you returned (2nd p. singular past, familiar form, definite conjugation)
verb stem: visszahoz – return something, bring something back
a tálcád – your tray (familiar form)
noun stem: tálca – tray
I didn’t know tray, but the rest was no problem.
Well done Andrew!