Today is Mother’s Day here in Hungary, or anyák napja, which Hungarians always celebrate on the first Sunday in May.
To celebrate Mother’s Day we have a short kids’ poem for you in Hungarian, with audio provided by a cute Hungarian kid. See below for the translation of this poem in English!
Mother’s Day poem for children:
Anyukám, anyukám, találd ki,
Hogy az én nagy kincsem, ugyan ki?
Ki más is lehetne, ha nem te?
Ültess hát gyorsan az öledbe.
English translation (sorry I couldn’t get it to rhyme):
Mother, mother, can you guess,
Who could be my great treasure?
Who else would it be, if not you?
Sit me down quickly in your lap.
Boldog anyák napját!
Such a cute poem! 🙂
Milyen aranyos vers! 🙂