I happened upon a curious website with free short Hungarian-language mp3 downloads that are designed to be uploaded to your cell phone to inform you when something happens. Your friends and family will certainly be impressed with your dedication to Hungarian when they hear them!
Audio extract: “A vágány mellett vigyázzanak!”
I always enjoy taking the train if I can. I even love taking Hungarian trains and the Hungarian Railway System (MÁV – Magyar Államvasutak), which is actually pretty good, despite what some people might tell you! In any case, we might have to take the train to get around Hungary, whether we want to or […]
Budapest Metro recording: “Az ajtók záródnak!”
If you visit Budapest or live here, and if you take public transportation with any frequency, then you’re sure to hear recorded notices in Hungarian over the loudspeaker while riding the Metro system. And if you’re like me, you may even hear these every day! Of course, to get the meaning you could just listen […]
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